Pecky's Vauxhall Decoder

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  1. #1
    Member Boyley's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    n00b basics: service questions

    Can someone explain the basics of a service to me IE

    How often shall it be done, difference between interim and full, how often should you get full rather than interim

    What's done at a service, cost etc

    Sorry to be a pain only my cars just had a £1000 worth of damage due to contaminated fuel (warranty covered) so now in thinking the engine could do with a little TLC in the form of a service lol.

    I got it about 6 months ago and done around 5k miles

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This site was created by Pecky to act as a knowledge base of useful information regarding Vauxhall cars.
Whilst I can help out with works, this isn't my full time job, so occasionally there may be a delay in replying.

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